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Brainlike Technology

Brainlike technology continuously learns how to distinguish meaningful events from background clutter.Brainlike technology runs as computer processes that learn expected values from sensor measurements, in real time. At the same time, Brainlike sensing highlights only comparatively deviant values while filtering out expected values. In the process, Brainlike sensing reduces cluttered sensor data to valuable information.

On-Board Triage: UAS "Vision"

We recommend that you take a quick look at Brainlike sensing technology in action. We can demonstrate Brainlike sensing for you, over the Internet, in 30 minutes. If you send us an email, we will set up your demonstration.

In analogy to its biological namesake, Brainlike technology adds sensing value by learning automatically, continuously, and quickly. Also in biological analogy, Brainlike technology delivers sensing benefits in the form of increased monitoring precision and automation. The distinctive feature of Brainlike technology is fully automated learning during information processing. Unlike artificial neural networks, statistical analysis, and rules-based analysis, Brainlike technology adapts automatically and continuously and it does not require historical data.

Brainlike technology is scalable, because it is fast, automatic, and compact; it is robust because it learns continuously; and it is precise because its monitoring comparisons are based on many repeated measurements arriving from multiple input channels. Brainlike technology builds on years of previous research and development. Potentially huge overall savings have been demonstrated in monitoring unexpected activity for security threat surveillance, Wildlife Survey Monitoring, Equipment Health Monitoring, human health monitoring, and many other applications where continuously arriving input data can produce leading indicators of serious danger.

For product details, please check out our Brainlike Processing Illustration, our online tutorial, and our enabling technology patent.