Privacy Policy
Brainlike, Inc. (“Brainlike”)respects the privacy of visitors to its website, and we recognize your need forappropriate protection and management of personally identifiable informationyou share with us (any information by which you can be identified, includingyour first and last name, and email address, phone number or other contactinformation). This policy describes how we collect and use information aboutvisitors to this website. By visiting the Brainlike website or otherwisesubmitting your personal information to us, you acknowledge and consent to ourpractices described below.
You may use our website without disclosing to us any personally identifiableinformation.
We collect personally identifiable information about you only if you choose toprovide it to us, such as through this website, through our customer servicetelephone system and through communications with us. For example, we collectpersonally identifiable information you submit through this website when you shop,or request a quote, for our products or contact us via the “Contact Us” area ofour site. In all cases, we collect, store or use your personally identifiableinformation when it is voluntarily submitted to us. You may choose not tosubmit such information. If you choose not to provide certain information, youmay be unable to receive certain services or information.
We do not use browser cookies to track user behavior on our website. Althoughour web server does log certain technical information automatically, such asthe identity of your Internet Service Provider and your computer’s IP address,none of this technical information reveals your identity to us, and it is notassociated with any personally identifiable information you may choose to provide.
Any email messages and associated information that you send to addressespublished on this website are not governed by this policy.
Use & Disclosure of Information
We track certaininformation about our website, such as the total number of visitors to oursite, the number of visitors to each page of our site, and the domain names ofour visitors’ Internet service providers. We analyze this website data fortrends and statistics, but the individual user remains anonymous.
When you do provide personally identifiable information to us, we may use it inthe following ways. We may use your information to respond to requests you maymake of us, to process orders, to contact you, and to provide information toyou about our company or our products. We also may use your personalinformation to better understand your needs and how we can improve our productsand our business.
Brainlike uses third parties (including contactors and service providers) tohelp with certain aspects of our operations, which may require disclosure oryour personal information to them. For example, we may use a third party tomaintain and host our website and related databases, to process and collectpayment via your credit card (if applicable), and to perform other work that wemay need to outsource. These companies may have access to personal informationyou submit to our site, but we contractually limit their ability to re-use orre-disclose it.
We may disclose your personally identifiable information in special cases whenwe have reason to believe that disclosing that information is necessary toidentify, contact or bring legal action against someone who may be violatingour Terms of Use or other laws, or if we reasonably believe we are required bylaw to disclose it.
We may share some or all of your personal information with any current orfuture “affiliate” (which means a parent company, subsidiary, joint venture, orother company under common control with Brainlike), in which case we willrequire the affiliate to honor this privacy policy. If Brainlike should everfile for bankruptcy, undergo a reorganization, be acquired by or merge withanother company, or divest a portion of its business, then we may transfer yourpersonally identifiable information to the successor for the related business.Any and all uses of your information will comply with applicable laws.
Additional Information
This site is not intended or designed to attract childrenunder the age of 13. We do not collect information about an individual’s age.
Changing Your Information
If you have been receiving information from us and no longerwish to do so, please contact us and let us know. Please note that if youpreviously authorized us to provide the information to identified thirdparties, you will need to contact them regarding use of your information.
Changes to this Policy
This policy is effective August 1, 2009. We may change thispolicy at any time, based on the needs of our business or the evolution of ourwebsite. Any material changes to the policy will be published on this website.By your continued use of the website, you consent to the terms of the revisedpolicy.
Links to Other Websites
This website may link to websites maintained by thirdparties. Please be aware that these third-party websites are governed by theirown privacy policies and do not fall within this policy. We are not responsiblefor the content or policies maintained by these websites. Please familiarizeyourself with the privacy policy of any third-party website you visit, as itwill govern any information you submit through that website.
Security of Your Information
We take reasonable steps to protect personal information youshare with us from unauthorized access or disclosure. However, you should knowthat no company, including Brainlike, can fully eliminate security risksassociated with personal information.
Your privacy is very important to us. Due to factors beyond our control,however, we cannot fully ensure that your personal information will not bedisclosed to other third parties. For example, we may be legally required todisclose information to the government or third parties under certaincircumstances, or third parties may unlawfully intercept or accesstransmissions or private communications.