
Brainlike was at the Commercial UAV Expo 2016 in Las Vegas!

Lots of amazing presentations and booths.

The Expo had a lot of agricultural offerings and we think we can help.

Brainlike, Inc. delivers computing solutions that reduce streams of sensor data
to nuggets of valuable information—automatically and quickly.  Applications
include generating effective alerts from environmental sensor data and reducing
airborne inspection data to important highlights.  We recently delivered a product
that can automatically highlight marine mammals in high-resolution camera images,
immediately after a flight.  Our customer has found that the product reduces the
time it takes to detect marine mammals by 99%. When deployed in the field or
aboard aircraft,  our product “triage” enables observers to act immediately, without
having to wait for cloud-based analysis.  Our PixMin™ products create high
resolution sub-images called chips, containing events of interest.  Unlike raw
images, which can take many hours or even weeks to process, PixMin™ chips can
be inspected and uploaded at once.  Our analysts can help you determine your
specific monitoring needs and deliver custom PixMin™ solutions that will meet
them—quickly and affordably.


The IATTC hosted a Workshop on Methods for Monitoring the Status of Eastern Tropical Ocean Dolphin Populations, which brought together Brainlike and more than 20 experts in the fields of line-transect surveys and mark-recapture studies, abundance estimation and population modelling, and imaging, tagging, genetics and life history data, to discuss options for developing indices with which to monitor dolphin populations. The goal of the workshop was to identify methods, both conventional and novel, for assessing the status of dolphin stocks.

The workshop was held 18-20 October 2016, in the Pacific Room of the Southwest Fisheries Science Center, located at 8901 La Jolla Shores Drive in La Jolla, California, USA.

The abstract and slides of Brainlike’s presentation are linked below as well as notes from the Q & A :

Brainlike IATTC Abstract

Brainlike IATTC Slides

Brainlike IATTC Q & A