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Improve Your Monitoring
and Cut Overall Cost
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What is Brainlike ?

Our PixMin™ image “triage” products allow customers to focus on important events instead of wading through streams of cluttered data. Our products help analysts detect marine mammals from airborne images taken off Alaska’s North Slope, while reducing average analysis effort by 99%. Brainlike currently focuses on airborne inspection and wildlife detection, but any form of data triage is fair game—especially when events must be detected quickly.

Besides reducing analysis effort and highlighting important events, Brainlike triage reduces transmission bandwidth, storage and total operating costs.

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Our Products and Services


Equipment Health Monitoring

Brainlike sensing offers major advantages for equipment breakdown monitoring. Here are some examples…

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Environmental Survey Monitoring

Brainlike sensing allows more affordable and effective monitoring of sea, air, and land environmental conditions…

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End User Benefits

Less analysis effort
Ample lead time
Lower false alarm rates
Reduced operating costs
Brainlike makes sense
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Sensing Advantages

Reduced Telemetry
Less Power Consumption
Longer Persistence
Smaller Payloads
Automated Data Reduction
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